The Podcast is Up!!!

25 06 2008

Hey folks!podcast

I know that this took way too long, but the premier episode of the Yesterdaze Arcade  Podcast is up.

A rough piece, I hope you find it entertaining, none the less. Audio levels bounce up and down a bit, but it’s assembled. I am hoping that the next episode is a little more polished!

In this first episode I introduce myself and give a brief history of my introduction to video gaming, throw a spotlight on the Vectrex gaming console, Myles from Nowhere gives a look back to 1984 an a bit more!

Please give it a listen at the following links:itunes

  (a little better experience, including embedded art)


RSS feed. Useful for many who would like to subscribe to the Podcast using something other than iTunes. Hey, it should even work on your Sony PSP’s RSS reader (if you have a Sony PSP)


(Right click and choose “save link as”) Just the plain ol’ mp3 of the Podcast for you to download and listen to on anything you want… within reason: I doubt “wanting to play it on a toaster will make that happen.


music note While writing this, I was listening to “Timing X” by DEVO

Article: Consoles of the 70s

18 06 2008

Saw this on the front page of It’s an article detailing many of the consoles of the 1970s.

Ordered by date, it’s a pretty good read. Check it out HERE

Robokill – Rock Solid Arcade

16 06 2008


I was stumbling around the ‘Net again just now when I found this game. It’s a cool shooter done in flash that reminds me in a little of cross between the Williams classic arcade game Robotron and Expendable in the Dreamcast. Playing right in your browser, the controls are very easy: a combination of keyboard to move and mouse to aim and shoot. Any casual gamer will have used these controls before on countless other shooters and those new to gaming would probably pick up quite easily.

Give Robokill a play HERE

Robokill – Rock Solid Arcade

music note While writing this, I was listening to “I’m All Right(live)” by The Rolling Stones

Podcast Really Close to Being Done

11 06 2008

The premier episode of the Yesterdazearcade podcast is podcast just about complete! I was going to post it last night but decided that I need to flesh it out and edit it a bit more. I want to add a review or opinion piece…
But until then, if you want to hear what I have so far, you can listen to the rough draft at or if you want the rss feed try this
It is mostly a rambling piece that is pretty boring, but It’s the first one. I am going to organize the following episodes into more cohesive segments. Heck, I might actually write some stuff instead of just making it up as I go along like I did in this episode. There is a really good humorous personal look back at being a young teen in the 1984 by my friend Myles. I hope you like it, as I did. I could relate to it all since I lived it too! Well, like I wrote already, it should be done very soon, but go ahead and listen to the rough cut and let me know how terrible it is!

music note While writing this, I was listening to “No Reason” by Pepper

Got a New Old Computer – An Apple IIc!

1 06 2008

So, I managed to snag a very dirty, but working Apple IIc – Apple’s almost portable Apple II.
It came with the monitor, all the cords and cables, an external disc drive (it also has one built into it), and a crap load of disks.
I always thought that this was a great looking machine for the time.
I will eventually post pictures of mine, but until then I will post a few random pics of the model.

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